Need to know quicklyHow do I change a 1998 Cadillac Catera radiator with a built in oil cooler in it?
call 1-800 radiatorHow do I change a 1998 Cadillac Catera radiator with a built in oil cooler in it?
Go buy a manual.... 15 bucks!How do I change a 1998 Cadillac Catera radiator with a built in oil cooler in it?
first drain it-there should be a drain valve on the bottom right or left side if you were lookin at it from the motor-not on the outside-then take your rubber hoses off-disconnect lil rubber line that goes to your puke tank-take off 2 transmission coolant lines-take off 2 oil cooler lines -unbolt it from body and its out-simple thing takes bout 10-15 minutes-hope this helps