Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How do I drain the radiator on a '99 Megane?

I need to drain the radiator to change the antifreeze concentration for the winter but see no easy way of draining the radiatorHow do I drain the radiator on a %26039;99 Megane?
.If there's no drain valve on the bottom of the radiator, remove the bottom hose from its connection to the radiator; prepare to get wet! I'd take the rad cap off first so you get the fastest outflow possible, to help flush it out.

You might want to refill with straight water and drain that too, it all helps to shift the crud, before tightening up and refilling with the right mixtureHow do I drain the radiator on a %26039;99 Megane?
the last answer was spot on but be aware that Renault's can be temperamental and you must be sure to get all the air out of the system, there are bleed screws that you must be aware of.How do I drain the radiator on a %26039;99 Megane?
Many modern radiators do not have drain taps, as others have said, remove the bottom hose, It is a very good idea to flush thoroughly, and when you do so, note is the water goes through the radiators quickly or slowly; if slowly the radiator may be partly blocked. As another said, make sure you bleed all the air from the system; an airlock could overpressurise the system and blow the radiator! Use good antifreeze.