I've got everything detached but the transmission line. It appears to attach to the radiator using a mechanism that I should be able to squeeze, and pull the line connection out..... But, thats not working. How exactly do I disconnect the line?I%26039;m changing the radiator on my 96 Jeep Grand Cherokee. How do I disconnect transmission cooler line?
Many of these new connectors are a use once and break trying to remove connector.
In other words, it may require enough force to pinch this thing to remove it that it breaks the connector and then you'll just have to buy new ones to reassemble or install the lines in the new radiator. Same deal on heater core lines on Chrysler products. Save the old piece so they can match it at the store. I know NAPA stocks these connectors.
I don't think there is a tool to do this but you might ask your local auto parts place.
Good Luck!!I%26039;m changing the radiator on my 96 Jeep Grand Cherokee. How do I disconnect transmission cooler line?
go to your local parts store and ask some one at front counter they will help you outI%26039;m changing the radiator on my 96 Jeep Grand Cherokee. How do I disconnect transmission cooler line?
got a tool for that