First, drain the anti-freeze into a bucket, there will be a wing nut type device on either the bottom or lower sides of the radiator. next, remove the lower hose clamp at the radiator, you'll need either a flat head screwdriver, a proper size nut driver, or a pair of pliers, depending on the type of clamp. Once you have the clamp off, pull the hose off of the radiator. Now follow the hose to where it attaches to the motor, %26amp; remove the clamp on that end, %26amp; pull the hose completely off. Install the new hose in the reverse order, starting at the motor %26amp; working back to the radiator. Don't forget to put the clamp on the new hose BEFORE you put the hose into place, otherwise you'll have to pull the hose back off, put the clamp on, %26amp; put the hose back into place. This can be a real p.i.t.a. because there is usually little space to work in, %26amp; once you get the hose into place, you really don't want to have to pull it back off. Once the hose %26amp; clamps are in place, make sure both clamps are tight, close the drain plug (very important! lol), %26amp; fill the radiator up with the manufacturer's recomended anti-freeze. Check for any leaks, %26amp; off you go.How to change lower radiator hose on a S10 blazer 1997?
OK so when you change the hose please drain the antifreeze into a container first so not to ruin my Veggy GardenHow to change lower radiator hose on a S10 blazer 1997?
Fun job, done best from under the car with the car on a lift. You must remove the fan shroud to get to the lower radiator connection.
remember to dain the coolant first
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