iv changed my rad on my toyota previa p reg just need to know how much coolant i need to addHow much water do i need to add to a toyota previa after iv change the radiator?
look in your owners manual and it will tell you the capacity of your cooling system so if it says it holds 4 gallons you need to use 2 gallons of antifreeze and 2 gallons of water to get a 50/50 mix.How much water do i need to add to a toyota previa after iv change the radiator?
if you have a bottle of antifreeze there is usually a chart on the Label that will tell you the mix ratio you need to use for your climateHow much water do i need to add to a toyota previa after iv change the radiator?
mix Ur antifreeze and water half n half- never put full strength- depends on Ur location but a safe mix is half n half! Good luck n have a great day-- TimHow much water do i need to add to a toyota previa after iv change the radiator?
most of the time you mix it 50/50. in cars like the rx7 you go 60/40.How much water do i need to add to a toyota previa after iv change the radiator?
If you buy the 50/50 % antifreeze/ water mix at the auto parts store, you simply pour it in the radiator and fill it up. If you buy the 100% antifreeze concentration from the auto store, you mix it into another 1 gallon jug with half distilled water (a 50/50 % mix like the one you buy premixed).How much water do i need to add to a toyota previa after iv change the radiator?
depends on where one lives but its mostly two gallons of coolant rest waterHow much water do i need to add to a toyota previa after iv change the radiator?
I generally buy two gallons of coolant and two gallons of purified water. Never use tap water - the minerals will clog the radiator tubes. If the coolant is available in premix, just buy three gallons of that. Otherwise keep the mixture 50/50 unless the manual says different. You can expect to use an entire gallon of coolant and part of the other.