I want to see if I can do this myself this weekend. The radiator is a brownish colour. Its never been changed since I bought this car 3 years ago. Can someone tell me how to do this?How do I flush the radiator on my 95 Camry?
first you drain (pitcock valve it opens counterclock wise drain
flush out with clean water useing yor garden hose let it run untill you see clean water i should have told you to by radiator fast flush( wall mart) read inst. make sure you have fresh anti freez
to put back in not a big jobHow do I flush the radiator on my 95 Camry?
You can get a radiator flush kit from auto Zone or Kragen where you install a fitting in the heater line to attach a garden hose to flush after you drain radiator. Just follow instructions. collect old antifreeze and wash up ground so cats, dogs cannot get to as they like the sweet taste, but it can kill them. when completed flushing add 50/50 solution of a quality brand antifreeze.How do I flush the radiator on my 95 Camry?
Letting antifreeze run out on the ground is an environmental hazard and illegal in most states these days. If your coolant is brown then you have a lot of rust in the system. You really ought to consider taking it to a dealer where they're equipped to dispose of the old fluid properly and do a clean and flush of your system before putting in new coolant. Might be cheaper in the long run than getting ticketed for dumping and not getting the cooling system properly cleaned which could lead to early system failure.How do I flush the radiator on my 95 Camry?
back flush it.take off the bottom hose and the top hose,open the cap and put a garden hose through the bottom and let it push all the stuff out to the top.